TAPQUAD® Repeller™ a Mosquito Repeller App
Repeller™ is an ultrasound mosquito repellent.
The app utilized multiple ultrasound frequency modes that might keep mosquitos and other insects like bees away from you.
The effectiveness will vary depending on the environmental conditions, type of mosquito or insect or the way the phone has been used.
Repeller requires your device to not be “mute”, external speakers will provide a different result, the wave of the ultrasound will cover a certain area.
Update: Currently under revision and development for iOS – Coming Soon.

Why Repeller as a Mosquito Repellent?
Available for iOS and Amazon Kindle OS. Get it in the Apple App Store or at the Amazon App Store.
Repeller App use multi-frequency ultrsound unique for every case tht we noticed worked with some kind of mosquitos.
Amplify with external speakers
Use Repeller App with any Bluetooth speakers to amplify the waves
Works in Outdoors
Repeller most be used in open spaces or outdoors, the ultrasound in confined spaces could be harmful
Listen to Music while using Repeller
Repeller work in the background even with your music playing.
Don't use with Headphones
Repeller is designed to be use with the phone speakers, or with a paired wireless speakers but Never use it with Headphones.
Attention: This app won’t prevent mosquitos bites from Zika, dengue mosquitos, Nile west virus, malaria, and/or any other mosquito bite related decease. Insects can act or react differently depending on the environmental conditions, like rain, wind, and/or other sounds.